Sunday, November 24, 2013

It's a surgery fall

First of all, let me say thank you to all who sent their prayers to Bronson. His surgery went fine. He feels much better, his energy level is higher and I think he is less grumpy throughout the day. Most mornings he greets me with a smile...and I like that. He's also teething during this whole process. 2/4 molars have finally popped who knows if it's teeth or ears.

In October, I was fortunate enough to have lasik eye surgery. It's AMAZING. I figured I really needed to do it after Bronson was born because I slept in my glasses so I could see if he was breathing! I also don't need to wear my Timex watch to bed at night because I can now see the bedside clock. So that was my surgery, not a big deal in the scheme of things. Bronson had it's Kris's turn.

Kris is going to have venacure...or basically getting rid of the varicose veins he has had in both his legs. The procedure has come a long way from when it was first initiated for getting rid of spider veins. They use to either inject the vein with a costic substance that would eat the vein from the inside out. Or they would cut one end, cut the other end and then pull it out. Now they use a nice little laser. Unfortunately for Kris, he is in the doctors "top three" worse cases and so he has to do each leg on separate days. They will premedicate him with percocet, valium, and zofran. I will be his "sober" driver. All should go well and we will keep you posted. I am sure he is not going to be excited about this...but he had to shave his legs!! It was hilarious. He currently has 5 toy story bandaids on his legs. He now has a new appreciation for what women do on a daily basis.

So this week I am playing nurse and nanny. Bronson will go to daycare on both days for a while so I can see how Kris is going to feel. Kris can't lift anything greater than 10lbs for 7 days so no lifting Tank (30). I told Kris he better arrange some pully system because I will be going out shopping the day after Thanksgiving.

As for Thanksgiving, it will be low Key. We have our annual orphan get together that we will go to if Kris is feeling up to it. I bought plenty of meat, funeral potato makings, and green bean casserole. Oh and of course pumpkin pie to get  us through this week of recovery.

The next few weeks should go fast and then it's time to go home to southern Idaho for xmas. Can't wait to see everyone!

We are fingerpainting for the first time. He really wanted to paint his hair blue

For those that did not see this gem on facebook, Bronson loved Santa

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone. Halloween by far is my favorite holiday. I love to dress up and to dress others up. I can't wait until we live someplace where there is no snow on Halloween, our yard is going to be decked out.....poor Kris, i'm sure he will be embarrassed. So this year, we had two costumes. We had a family themed costume for a family halloween party (which we won best costume) and Bronson had his individual costume. So a family of garden gnomes we were. We participated in a 4k fun run downtown anchorage. We ended up doing more walking because Kris was SOOO SWEATY that he couldn't run. God forbid he take off his giant gnome had or unbutton his suit....he had to stay in costume. So it wasn't a work they gave candy away at every mile so that Bronson got to have fun.

I wasn't sure how Bronson was going to do with trick or treating. He is almost 15 months old, not talking. So I took him to this place called "trick or treat town" a neighborhood indoors. I was impressed!! he did NOT let go of his bucket for anything. He would go up to people and stand there, waiting for them to put candy in his bucket. Then he would go on to the next. so overall I would say he did pretty good.

The next event was a family costume party. It was great...lots of kids and moms to be. We played bunco and we won the costume contest. For our win, bronson got "the great pumpkin charlie brown" He watched and would dance to the music.

Our last hurrah was trick or treating at BP. It was great that kris got to take bronson around and show him off. Everyone made the comment...he looks just like you....he's big just like you. I think it makes Kris feels good. He also takes after Kris in the fact that HE DID NOT SMILE, not even once. That little kid is all giggles at home but take him out into public and he is quite stoic.

We did this all, in spite of bronson's ear drum being ruptured and getting IM shots. We go in to see the specialist tomorrow to see if he needs tubes in his ears. He is quite the trooper.

Love you all!!! The honas family

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

summer recap

Well, like most Alaskans, in the summer we are MIA. The days are too long and summer season too short to be stuck in doors on a now that Fall is finally back I hope to get back to posting a little more. The other excuse is our computer....I have been harping on Kris to get a new one. Half the time I can't get pictures to load or it takes so long that I give up in disgust. I believe this is my 6th try.

Enough belly aching. SUMMER WAS GREAT. We had family galore, a great June, and so far NO SNOW. A quick synopsis...

June- we had the best june ever (literally, it went down in the records) We had 15 days of consecutive temperatures 70 or above. To put this into perspective, I have been through a summer in Alaska where there was only 5 days of 70 or above TOTAL for the summer. Bronson and I loved it. We spent as much time as possible outside. Still not warm enough for an outdoor pool but we were able to play in buckets and enjoy outdoor play. It also made for a great first camping season. It's easy to camp when you aren't rained on.

In July, Kris's brother Kreighton, and his family came up to visit. We had a good time. The picture below is of us all at Russian river falls. Jamison got close to a bear and Kreighton caught fish. That constitutes a good trip.
 My sister came up in July as well. It was the most time we have ever been able to spend together, and I for one, loved it. She is a good kid and I am proud to call her my sister. She is currently a freshman at Arizona State and doing great.

Our best friends, Abbey and Kyle and Aubrey came to visit as well. This was fun because Bronson got to see his girlfriend. Abbey and I have always planned to have our kiddos close together so we can always be close to one another.  I miss her dearly....someday maybe we will be mother in laws.

Speaking of mother in laws. We had both sets of grandparents up to visit. I love that they are able to come up and spend time with Bronson one-on-one. Our next trip home will be xmas.

Well lets see...other than that not much else to report. I am working more and Bronson is enjoying going to school. Lately he has learned to crawl up on everything..couch, chairs, the fireplace. I must say i am sure this is my own fault because i have been taking him to "open gym" gymnastics where he gets to crawl and bounce on everything.

He is not formally talking but i am pretty share he says Baaaarrr which means bear and mooo  which means more. and of course mamamamamamam.

Will post pictures of our halloween costumes next. Happy fall

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Summa Summa

I have lived in Alaska for 7 years now. I don't think I have ever experienced an 80 degree day. Living in Alaska we learn to wear long johns all year long. We have now experienced the longest winter (this winter) and the winter with the most snow (last winter). Mother nature has finally decided that Alaskans need a break and we have been granted 10 days of straight sunshine. The first weekend we explored portage valley which is about an hour south of Anchorage. We went down for a day trip to walk around and break the backpack in. It was fun, beautiful, and best of all I got to eat Yam fries at our friendly hippie restaurant. I can't wait to take Lisa there.

The following weekend we finally we able to take the camper out. We went to Glen Allen, Alaska which is about 4 hours north west of Anchorage. It's a long, but beautiful drive and we are usually rewarded with a ton of fish. The fish were late this year and we were skunked BUT we had the most glorious weather. 85 degrees all three days. I sat outside the camper and ate Popsicles!!  We had a great fathers day too.

Bronson was a pretty good camper. He ate A LOT of dirt. Now that he has finally decided to put things in his mouth he thinks rocks and sticks and clumps of dirt are fair game. What ever floats his boat!!!  The only part that he wasn't that great at was sleeping. I don't think he understood why he was sleeping in this tiny pack-n-play when it obviously still daylight and his parents were two feet away from him. For all family coming up....bring some awesome ear plugs if you want to sleep in the camper with us.

We are anxious to get out the next two weekends. Then family arrives. July will be busy for us. Kreighton, Lisa, and Jameson arrive July 1-9, My best friend that moved to billings is coming with Bronson's girlfriend, Aubrey, then my sister will be here July 25- Aug 1 and then Ken, Karole, and Charlotte will be here sometime in August. I can only hope this weather can hold and people can experience this with us.

I keep trying to convince Aunt Kristi to just take a detour north on her way to Idaho......

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Well if you have facebook you have seen most of the pictures from the idaho excursion. It was quite fun.

We had a few firsts on this trip. This was my first solo flight with Bronson. He did pretty darn good. He slept for 1.5/3 hours and was able to be entertained. He was quite enthralled while I was holding him and taking the pulse of the lady behind me who passed out. Did you know that for good Samaritans they give you 8000 thousand free airline miles. I wish more people would pass out.

We stayed several days at my dads where Bronson got to spend some quality time with his Aunt and uncles. I must say I was pretty impressed with how well Konnor played with him.

I then went to my moms. I saw a ton of people. Bronson saw his first parade with logging trucks dn Tractors. Unfortunately, the next day I got stricken with the norovirus. I spent the next 48 hours trying to recuperate from puking. Needless to say, i didn't get to check off my boxes of things I wanted to do. My mom, however, got some good quality time with Bronson as I lay on my death bed.

The climax of the trip was our family BBQ. IT was great So many people turned out, more than expected. Thanks to all my family members who made the trip to sandpoint.
Bronson conquered stairs. We don't have stairs at our house in Alaska so this was the first time he had seen any. He went right up. Going down still needs some work.
bronson also learned to point.

Overall we had such a great time. Bronson and Kris never got sick (my dad, keegan, aunt les and cousin evan are a different story).
Aunt Kelsey

Uncles Keegan and Konnor

Got to meet upw ith my sorority sisters and their babies

Monday, May 6, 2013

a little of everything

My blog is being stupid and not allowing me to upload the photos that I want so this will have to do.  It's been a bit since we have posted. Life goes on without you taking time to blog!  Well the first picture is worth a thousand words. I was rear ended on my way to get bronson..thank goodness he wasn't in the car. It's not a lot a that bad but enough that it will be in the shop for a week. Bronson has been doing new tricks every day it seems. He is pulling himself up on everything, including things that he should not. He has started to finally put some stuff in his mouth(like toys), he will take steps if you hold his hands, and he is starting to try to maneuver around the coffee table.  We have also been dealing with sickness. Which i am sure that every parent has gone though. I have been to the pediatrician 4x in 11 i am not neurotic. He just keeps coming up with new symptoms. So this is how it goes. 1. He was pulling at his ears, grumpy, and waking up at night. Last time he had an ear infection i had no idea so i took him in for a quick ear check just to be sure. There was fluid behind his ears, but no infection. So now at least I know when he pulls his ear its just cause his ear is neat and I don't have to feel guilty for letting him cry a bit. 2. Two days later he developed a head to toe rash. All over, on his butt, penis, feet, back...everywhere. He was still acting ok so we waited 48 hours, most viral rashes dissipate by then. But after 48 hours it was still there so we took him in ( I didn't think daycare would appreciate me bringing this measle looking baby into daycare without being evaluated). YEP, a viral rash. Go home mom. 3. Two days later....bloody diarrhea. How do you not take your baby in when he as bloody diarrhea? 4. 1 day later....Fever 102 for over 48 hours. Bronson has now lost a pound, has diarrhea, won't eat and is listless. He is wheezing and very grumpy. Long story short....he is not on antibiotics, his fluid in his ear is now infected. Doesn't explain the diarrhea, rash or wheezing but at least we have something to go on. This morning he seems to be a little better. Please send prayers his way because we are headed home to idaho very soon!!! I want both of us to be well so we can see you all. 

That being said...June 1st! Come see us. We will be in Sandpoint hosting a BBQ. If you want to come I can give you directions. All are welcome. More the merrier
some of the damage

This standing stuff is pretty cool

I finished a 5k with my mom and got a medal

hard to see but here is the rash

I had a picture of the bloody diarrhea but decided that may be too much..If you really want to see it i'll text it to you. 
Upcoming plans....Firewood cutting next weekend. Mothers day...hope kris remembers that I am now a MOM! Then on the 25th I fly home (first trip alone with bronson...could be interesting)

Thursday, April 18, 2013


We have only been back from Hawaii for 2 weeks and already so much has transpired!!

The two new big Bronson milestones are...

1. Litte boy can now pull himself to standing. He has no balance on his own but is doing great standing propped. If you hold his hands he will even take steps. I'm sure it won't be long now before he's trying to walk and before i am having a heart attack with all his falls. With this new revelation as comes the knowledge that he can stand up in his bed. I had one of those heart attacks this morning at 5 am when i looked at the baby monitor and he was standing reaching for the blinds. Talk about a wake up call!

2. We finally have eruption!!! Of a tooth that is. Tank has finally pushed his first bottom tooth out of the gum. It is just barely there but it is there. He prefers to chew on wash cloths and pickles. He won't use any of the teething rings or baby stuff that I bought him for this occasion. He is also NOT drooling and is sleeping through the night teething more painful before the teeth come out? He has a second one not far away. I will try to post pictures if he will let me.

We are also doing better eating. He is opening his mouth for a wide variety of foods. He will really only eat fruits, but at least we are getting something into his mouth. I tried to feed him my shredded wheat this morning. He opened his mouth but cereal just sat in his mouth. As you will see below for some odd reason he likes limes and pickles. I DID NOT eat any of this while I was pregnant. I should feed him Peeps and frozen yogurt.

Our first spring time jog in the BOB. Of course it was only 32 degrees so we had to bundle up

Bronson and his pickle

Yeah, so what, i'm standing